Tuesday, 1 January 2013

It's a new year!

It's the first of January 2013 and I have been doing a lot of thinking about blogging and what I want to share and do. I'm also thinking I needed to be more organised and go to the supermarket yesterday, when it wasn't a public holiday! Ah well, it's toast and peanut butter for our family today!

I have a few things in mind for goals, or resolutions - which I am always useless at sticking to (which is why I am not officially making any this time!) - for this year. 2012 was consumed by growing a baby and then having her. Beautiful Yvonne is 6 weeks old tomorrow and she's a lovely wee thing. I'm not attempting to do anything too majestic with a wee baby, so I think perhaps these things on my mind aren't goals as such - just lifestyle changes. There are so many things I love to do, yet instead of doing them I spend a lot of time browsing the net, looking at other peoples interesting lives! As lovely as pretty interior design sites and Pinterest and amazing blogs are, they can be a bit of a trap, and an escape place from my own life.

Photo of Yvonne's precious feet by Jo Conroy Photography

So this year I'll be attempting to write on my own blog a bit more, about the life I am living offline, and hope that I'll spend less time observing everyone else. Or at least that I can put healthy limits around activities that aren't in line with how I want to live.

It should be interesting!

So watch this space for hopefully more posts from me where I'll be sharing more of these "lifestyle changes" and letting you know how I'm getting on with them.

Happy 2013!

Does anyone else have any goals/resolutions/lifestyle changes you want to tell me? So that I can feel inspired!

xx Sarah

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