Saturday, 3 December 2016

I've moved to Tiny Letter!

Hi friends!

It's been a really long time since I have blogged here. I've taken a break from writing and have been exploring plenty of other creative pastimes in the meanwhile, which has been super fun.

I'm checking in today to announce that if you subscribed to this blog, thank you so much. I really appreciate that you were interested in my ramblings! If you enjoyed what you read here, you may be interested to hear that I have started a Tiny Letter. Tiny Letter is an email newsletter service which I've really been enjoying. I subscribe to a few myself and it seems to be a really fun, personal format. It feels like a safe space for writing and I'm excited about it. So I have just lauched my own. I will be hoping to write fortnightly and if you would like to subscribe, click here.

I have entitled my newsletter "The F Words", a bit cheeky, but it's not that kind of F word. The F words I'll be writing about are words like Feminism, Faith, Fantasy, Fandoms, and Fiction.

It might not be your cup of tea, but if it is, I'll look forward to connecting with you!

Love from Sarah xx

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